Friday, May 28, 2010

Oil Spill stats in realtime

I found this widget on the PBS Newshour website that both has video and tracks the amount of the oil spilled in realtime with a slider bar to see different options of how fast it's flowing. Truly sad and depressing how bad this has gotten. Most definitely makes me want to walk and take public transit more. I'm starting to think the best milage car may be no car at all. It certainly makes me think about taking extra trips these days. There's lots of criticism going back and forth about who should have known what and when and all the things that should have been done. Ultimately, beyond participating in the discussion and writing letters to our elected officials and oil companies we do business with, the only real area of impact we can have is deciding how much oil we choose to consume. I remember reading years ago if everybody chose to take public transit just one day a week the impact of that would be huge.